Story by Christine Weller

When I was a little girl, away on a kids retreat, we were asked to choose a “life verse”. We had been studying and memorizing many verses in that year and we were asked to choose one that we would live by, one that would stay in our hearts and be something we can lean on no matter what trials would come our way.
I chose Proverbs 3:5-6—“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Be careful what you choose to commit to . . .
I have many stories of how I learned to trust in God, every situation taught be to lean closer and closer to Him. I learned that sometimes that means trusting Him even when things didn’t make sense. I learned that He made a way, even though I didn’t understand how. I learned that I should trust Him, even if it was hard.
BUT, I wasn’t finished learning. I desired to get closer to Him and deepen my faith. When we allow Him to take us deeper, it means there is more to learn . . . Remember the song Oceans? Yup, that was my prayer—“take me deeper”.
Be careful what you ask for . . .
The particular story I am sharing today began around May 3rd, 2019. I started getting headaches every day. After about a week of headache pain, I also noticed that my right eye was blurry. I decided to go to a walk-in clinic to check in on it. I don’t get headaches unless it’s associated with a cold, so I knew something was off, especially with the blurriness. They said it was a sinus infection and prescribed some meds to relieve the infection and told me to take Advil for any other pain.
Two weeks later, the pain increased and I needed to take Advil or Tylenol every day. Taking pills of any kind freak me out, so I was not a happy camper. I went to see my family doctor to get a second opinion. Since it was only headache pain he said it was migraines, but sent me to get my eyes checked. I was only able to complete part of the eye test while I was there and planned to return in a few days to finish off the testing.
I couldn’t get an appointment to go back within the following week and the pain increased even more. I was practically relying on meds ’round the clock to function. My left eye suddenly got blurry, right in the centre, so I took myself to emergency. All of a sudden, I couldn’t see my face in the mirror with my left eye. They referred me to an eye specialist in Midland who, upon examination, found a lesion of fluid behind my left retina. He referred me immediately to Princess Margaret and asked my family doctor to start with some tests. Yup, they mentioned the “c” word. Time to freak out right?
But, Jesus.
This was the start of many tests, scans, ultrasounds for my entire body over the period of a month, both with my family doctor and frequent trips to Princess Margaret. Still, the pain increased. Test after test though, the reports were negative. Each time, a different cancer option was ruled out. I was unable to open my left eye by this point and couldn’t see through the crushing pain. Both eyes were turning red. I was tearing up from the pain constantly. Light hurt. I couldn’t read my phone to see the time each morning. The Tylenol and Advil weren’t cutting it anymore.
I was scared. Not knowing what was wrong was devastating. Did I have cancer? What would that mean for me? How was I going to continue caring for my children when I couldn’t see? I asked these questions of God and He simply said, “Do you trust Me?”.
And I immediately said, “No!”.
And two seconds later, eyes wide, I realized, “I just said “no” to God”.
Trust in the Lord . . . with ALL your heart.” ALL. God wants my whole heart. Not just part of it.
Of course, we had a heart-to-heart that day and I had to give Him my heart all over again and give Him all of my cares and burdens.
Here I was. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Literally. Walking blindly around my house, crawling down steps I could not see. I was not able to prepare meals for my family or see myself in the mirror. I had to get my brother to go with me to some appointments, because I couldn’t see where I was going.
On the week of July 9th, an answer finally came. They were satisfied that it wasn’t cancer. It was Harada Disease (later diagnosed as Posterior Scleritis). A very rare condition that they don’t know much about, but seeing me in the state I was in, they wanted to start treatment ASAP. Within a few days the pain was drastically reduced and I almost felt normal again.
I went for a follow up on July 12th. I was so overjoyed!

Needless to say, they were very pleased with the results.
My Jesus.
After this diagnosis began my journey to recovery. The swelling had crushed most of the nerves in my left eye, eliminating my peripheral vision. The doctors said the body is resilient and could repair itself over time. We’d have to wait and see. Many trial-and-error moments of trying to find the right medication and the right dose, which resulted in many painful relapses. I am now on a safe dosage and the doctors have been happy with every checkup. With my glasses, I have 20/20 vision and I have been pain free for almost 3 years.
So when I look back at this journey so far, those words “walking by faith and not by sight” became very real to me.
Without trusting that God is with me, I would be a disaster. I would have felt so hopeless. But I knew no matter what the results, God would take me through it. He would be there for me and my family. I had no doubt about that. This was a trial, yes. But I count it as joy (James 1:2-4), so that my story will tell that God is still in control, even when things seem they aren’t and I am now stronger in my faith because of it.
Maybe you’re going through something similar. Where things are not making sense, there seems to be no end of pain, or suffering or trials. I am here to tell you that you can lean on Jesus. He is a rock that cannot be moved, no matter how hard that storm is blowing. Sometimes it takes these storms to bring us closer to Him. Stay close to Him, lean in and watch Him work miracles.